Thursday 17 May 2012

Training and development audit questionnaire-assignment for subject Human Resource Development

Training and development audit questionnaire
1. Is there a process to assess the organization’s future training needs? If yes, how is this assessment carried out? Who participates?
2. Are employees availing themselves of training opportunities?
3. Are training and development needs reflected in the organization’s budget?
4. Are legal requirements considered in training needs?
5. Is remedial training in literacy and basic computation skills offered?
6. Are employee development plans addressed in performance appraisals or other formal settings?
7. How far into the future are the needs projected?
8. Are job skills, knowledge and ability considered in assessing training needs?
9. Are new technologies, processes, products, services, market changes and community needs considered in assessing training needs?
10. Are organizational issues, such as mission, objectives, cultural changes and customer orientation, considered in training needs?
11. Are the organization’s social responsibilities and respect for diversity reflected in training needs?
12. How are all training resources coordinated?
13. Are the results of training programs monitored and evaluated?
14. Is cost considered in the selection of training resources?
15. Is there a method to track training costs in terms of lost work time?
16. Does your organization measure a return on investment in training?
17. How do you know training is used back in the job?
18. Does the organization provide adequate capacity to meet chosen training and development needs?
19. To whom are the organization’s immediate and future training and development needs communicated? How often?
20. How are all training programs and opportunities communicated to employees?
21. Are subscriptions to professional training and development journals maintained and circulated among department members?
22. Is there a reference library of training and development material for employee use?
23. Is there a policy that states the organization’s philosophy on employee training and development?
24. Is there a position within the organization accountable for overseeing and coordinating training and development activities?
25. Is there a process for assessing the organization’s immediate training needs and individual development needs? If yes, how is this assessment carried out?
26. How often is the assessment updated?
27. Who participates in the assessment?
28. Is there coordination of professional development material?
29. How are training resources identified internally and externally?
30. Who is involved in the determination?

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