Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Bahaya Rokok

aku cari info nie lam internet pasal rokok nie coz aku nak remind kan kawan2 aku yang merokok tentang bahayanya rokok nie pada diaorg n org2 yg berada di sekeliling diaorg.. hopefully sedikit sebanyak dpt mennyedarkan diaorg.. insyallah..

Tembakau merupakan faktor risiko untuk sekurang-kurangnya 25 jenis penyakit
  1. Kanser pundi kencing
  2. Kanser perut
  3. Kanser usus dan rahim
  4. Kanser mulut
  5. Kanser Esofagus
  6. Kanser tekak
  7. Kanser pankrias
  8. Kanser payudara
  9. Kanser paru-paru
  10. Penyakit saluran pernafasan kronik
  11. Strok
  12. Kereputan tulang (osteoporosis)
  13. Penyakit jantung
  14. Kemandulan
  15. Putus haid awal
  16. Melahirkan bayi yang cacat
  17. Keguguran bayi
  18. Mati pucuk
  19. Bronkitis
  20. Batuk
  21. Penyakit ulser peptik
  22. Emfisima
  23. Otot lemah
  24. Penyakit gusi
  25. Kerosakan mata
Walaupun anda tidak merokok, anda masih boleh menyedut asap rokok daripada perokok. Ini dipanggil merokok secara pasif ('passive smoking').
Berbanding dengan asap aliran ('mainstream smoke'), asap aliran sisi yang keluar dari puntung rokok ('mainstream smoke') mengandungi :
  • 2 kali lebih banyak nikotin
  • 5 kali lebih banyak karbon monoksida
  • 50 kali lebih banyak kimia yang menyebabkan barah
  • 3 kali lebih banyak tar
  • Meningkatkan risiko kanser paru-paru dan penyakit jantung
  • Masalah pernafasan termasuk radang paru-paru dan bronkitis
  • Sakit atau pedih mata
  • Bersin dan batuk-batuk
  • Sakit kerongkong
  • Sakit kepala
Dibandingkan dengan yang tidak terdedah dengan asap rokok pasif, perokok pasif mempunyai risiko yang lebih tinggi untuk mengidap pelbagai jenis penyakit
  • Penyakit jantung    -    30%
  • Kanser                  -    25%   
  • Keguguran janin
  • Tumbesaran janin terencat - 30% lebih tinggi
  • Kematian janin dalam kandungan
  • Pendarahan dari uri (abruption placenta)
  • Kurang berat badan - 20 hingga 30%
  • Masalah dan penyakit pernafasan
  • Perkembangan kecerdasan otot terjejas
  • Jangkitan telinga
  • Leukeamia
  • Kanser otak 22%
  • Lelah - meningkat simptom lelah
  • Sindrom kematian secara mengejut


Ayat Motivasi Diri

suka dengan ayat nie.. biler rasa down sangat2... aku akan baca balik ayat nie.. xsemua org akan suka apa yang kita lakukan.. n xsemua orang akan suka biler kita lebih berjaya daripada mereka.. for me.. biarkan je la aper org lain nak kata.. aku butakan mata n pekak kan telinga.. asalkan aku rasa aku dilandasan yang betul.. aku tetap akan teruskan segala apa yg aku ingin lakukan.. insyallah.. aku yakin setiap usaha pasti ader hasilnya..

setuju dengan ayat nie.. apabila kita terjatuh.. kita perlu bangun semula.. kegagalan akan menjadikan kita lebih matang n memahami aper itu erti kehidupan.. kita patut bersyukur kerana di antara ribuan manusia, kita terpilih untuk merasai erti kegagalan.. bermakna Allah menyayangi kita... DIA ingin menguji sejauh mana n sedalam mana ketaatan kita padaNYa.. n Allah rindukan kita merayu kepadanya.. memohon pertolongan dariNYA.. kerana kita telah lama LALAI kepadaNYA..

i alway think dats i'm d best... saper lagi nak puji diri kita kalau bukan diri kita sendiri.. :)

Thursday, 17 May 2012


ni gambar2 yang aku guna untuk presentation  ke 2 subjek BEL 422 aku. alhamdulillah.. lecturer tue bagi aku A.. sukan nie sangat menarik bagi aku.. tapi lau nak suh cuba, memang tak mungkin la.. takut kot.. ;) nwy, sapa2 yg berminat le la mcuba.. gd luck..

What is 360 Degree Feedback? - Performance management

What is 360 Degree Feedback? 

360 Degree Feedback is a system or process in which employees receive confidential, anonymous feedback from the people who work around them. This typically includes the employee's manager, peers, and direct reports. A mixture of about eight to twelve people fill out an anonymous online feedback form that asks questions covering a broad range of workplace competencies. The feedback forms include questions that are measured on a rating scale and also ask raters to provide written comments. The person receiving feedback also fills out a self-rating survey that includes the same survey questions that others receive in their forms.

Managers and leaders within organizations use 360 feedback surveys to get a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. The 360 feedback system automatically tabulates the results and presents them in a format that helps the feedback recipient create a development plan. Individual responses are always combined with responses from other people in the same rater category (e.g. peer, direct report) in order to preserve anonymity and to give the employee a clear picture of his/her greatest overall strengths and weaknesses.

360 Feedback can also be a useful development tool for people who are not in a management role. Strictly speaking, a "non-manager" 360 assessment is not measuring feedback from 360 degrees since there are no direct reports, but the same principles still apply. 360 Feedback for non-managers is useful to help people be more effective in their current roles, and also to help them understand what areas they should focus on if they want to move into a management role.

In human resources or industrial/organizational psychology, 360-degree feedback, also known as multi-rater feedback, multisource feedback, or multisource assessment, is feedback that comes from all around an employee. "360" refers to the 360 degrees in a circle, with an individual figuratively in the center of the circle. Feedback is provided by subordinates, peers, and supervisors. It also includes a self-assessment and, in some cases, feedback from external sources such as customers and suppliers or other interested stakeholders. It may be contrasted with "upward feedback," where managers are given feedback by their direct reports, or a "traditional performance appraisal," where the employees are most often reviewed only by their managers.

What a 360 Feedback Survey Measures?

  1. 360 feedback measures behaviors and competencies
  2. 360 assessments provide feedback on how others perceive an employee
  3. 360 feedback addresses skills such as listening, planning, and goal-setting
  4. A 360 evaluation focuses on subjective areas such as teamwork, character, and leadership effectiveness

How is 360 Degree Feedback Used? 

Companies typically use a 360 feedback system in one of two ways:
1.    360 Feedback as a Development Tool to help employees recognize strengths and weaknesses and become more effective. When done properly, 360 is highly effective as a development tool. The feedback process gives people an opportunity to provide anonymous feedback to a coworker that they might otherwise be uncomfortable giving. Feedback recipients gain insight into how others perceive them and have an opportunity to adjust behaviors and develop skills that will enable them to excel at their jobs.

2.    360 Feedback as a Performance Appraisal Tool to measure employee performance
Using a 360 degree feedback system for Performance Appraisal is a common practice, but not always a good idea. It is difficult to properly structure a 360 feedback process that creates an atmosphere of trust when you use 360 evaluations to measure performance. Moreover, 360 feedback focuses on behaviors and competencies more than on basic skills, job requirements, and performance objectives. These things are most appropriately addressed by an employee and his/her manager as part of an annual review and performance appraisal process. It is certainly possible and can be beneficial to incorporate 360 feedback into a larger performance management process, but only with clear communication on how the 360 feedback will be used.

What 360 Feedback Surveys do not assess?

1.    360 feedback is not a way to measure employee performance objectives (MBOs)
2.    360 feedback is not a way to determine whether an employee is meeting basic job requirements
3.    360 feedback is not focused on basic technical or job-specific skills
4.    360 feedback should not be used to measure strictly objective things such as attendance, sales quotas, etc.

The Check Point 360 Degree Feedback System
The Checkpoint 360º feedback system is a powerful appraisal tool which assesses 18 specific job skills/abilities categorized into 8 leadership and management competencies. It is effective for performance appraisal, management and leadership development. There is a proven relationship between the success of the organization and the leadership skills of its management. Therefore raising the leadership skills and competencies of managers will improve bottom line performance. Ineffective line management is a major factor responsible for low morale. The Checkpoint 360º appraisal system can identify those abilities/competencies which need development. 

The Checkpoint 360º Feedback System is Also Suitable For 
180º and 270º Feedback Appraisal.

The Checkpoint system
Performance factors - competencies
Bespoke appraisal
4.The process
5. The report
6. Implementation and follow-up – Skill Builder
180º and 270º feedback appraisal
Organizational Management Analysis
9. Guidelines for using 360º feedback appraisal

 360º feedback process provides  a 
pragmatic follow-up framework – the Skill Builder series to enhance strengths as well as addressing weaknesses and development areas.

The Checkpoint system

The Profiles Check Point 360° competency feedback system is a multi-layer, customizable appraisal process that provides managers and leaders with an opportunity to receive an evaluation of their job performance from the people around them – their boss, their peers, and the people whose work they supervise. From this feedback, managers can compare the opinions of others with their own perceptions, positively identify their strengths, and pinpoint the areas of their job performance that could be improved. Please note that this is a developmental appraisal tool based on performance - 
click here to see our guidelines. It is used to appraise performance but results should not be used to decide remuneration.

Performance Factors - Competencies
This assessment process is concerned with a manager’s job performance in eight skill clusters and 18 universal competencies, described as follows:
  • communication
    • listens to others
    • processes information
    • communicates effectively
  • leadership
    • instills trust
    • provides direction
    • delegates responsibility
  • adaptability
    • adjusts to circumstances
    • thinks creatively
  • relationships
    • builds personal relationships
    • facilitates team success
  • task management
    • works efficiently
    • works competently
  • production
    • take action
    • achieves results
  • development of others
    • cultivates individual talents
    • motivates successfully
  • personal development
    • displays commitment
    • seeks improvement
Bespoke appraisal using your own in-house developed management competencies

The Process

Each participant or rater e.g. self, boss, peers and subordinates completes an evaluation, a process that takes about 30 minutes. All participants are guaranteed anonymity except for the 'boss' and 'self' and urged to be honest and objective in their responses. Participants may complete their assignments via the Internet and results from all participants are compiled into a report that is returned to the manager 'boss'. It consists of 70 highly targeted questions and takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. The report does highlight results from any group such as peers or subordinates where an individual's answers are significantly different to the others within that group eg. where someone may have an axe to grind.

Full Color Report

Check Point Reports have comprehensive graphs and charts in color as well as narrative descriptions of the results to help the manager read, understand, and effectively use the data for self-development. They have been developed to present complex data in a meaningful, simple and graphic way. They are structured to appeal to all types of users revealing an increasing level of data page by page. The CEO will appreciate the overview given at the beginning of the report whereas the manager/boss and individual will need to delve into more detail.
The report has a special personal growth section that coaches the manager and helps improve performance in development areas. The Check Point 360° Competency Feedback System is an effective managerial development system that pays big dividends in improved performance.

Implementation And Follow-Up – Skill Builder

Where further development is required, the 
Skill Builder series provides a framework across each of the 18 management and leadership competencies to enable the individual to develop an effective program to ensure improvements are made. Such improvements can be based on either the individual's strengths or the individual's weaknesses and are directed at one, or at most two of the leadership and management competencies in question.
The chosen Skill Builder competency is carried out with the support and direction of two 'performance coaches'. A performance coach is chosen by the individual ('self') for his/her support as well as his/her experience and knowledge. This can be the 'boss', a peer or anybody else who can provide the time, support and expertise required. Usually the first performance coach is the individuals boss whereas the second performance coach can be a trusted person who has the necessary experience to act effectively as a mentor.
Such a mentor can come from inside or outside the organization. Unlike many courses and seminars, Skill Builder modules are available online and are integrated into a manager's daily tasks. Being self-paced, Skill Builder activities easily fit into a manager's schedule and visibly accelerate effectiveness and efficiency. Once this process has been completed the 360º assessment is carried out again to measure the progress made. This makes the Checkpoint/Skill Builder combination a very effective management tool.

180º and 270º Feedback Appraisal

The Checkpoint system can easily be accommodated to provide either 180 degree or 270 degree feedback appraisals. A '180' is an appraisal between the boss and 'self' which is the person who is being appraised. A '270' is an appraisal between the boss, 'self' and either subordinates or peers.

Organizational Management Analysis (OMA) 

This is a 360 degree feedback system for the entire organization; it is designed to summarize information from all of the Check Point individual feedback reports generated on the group selected. This is usually the senior group of managers and/or the Board of Directors. It alerts top management to potential managerial problems that can develop when managerial goals are not in alignment with the goals and direction of the enterprise.
This information strengthens communications and builds stronger organizations.
An Organizational Management Analysis provides a description of where you are now. This has been described as "the fifth point of the compass". The "fifth point" concept means successful management decisions regarding the direction to take a company must be predicated on knowing where you stand now. False assumptions often lead to wasting time, effort, and resources. The OMA report is a guide to future development based on statistically accurate data. When you know where you are and where you want to go, you can chart your course with confidence and certainty.
The OMA process examines a company's culture and provides insights to the alignment of management groups with the company's goals and objectives. This information is used to analyze the human capital aspects associated with an organization's long-term strategic objectives. The report also provides an analysis of organizational development priorities and defines organizational training needs.

As a CEO, MD or HR Director, ask yourself these questions:

1. Would I benefit from creating a baseline measurement against which to track progress in organizational development activities? 
2. Do my managers and employees share my vision, mission, and values for organizational success? 
3. Do I have a system to measure/quantify management effectiveness? 
4.  Are my internal management practices in alignment with achievement of organizational goals or is there a negative correlation? 
5. Do the behavioral skills of managers contribute to a positive synergistic impact on performance for my company 
6. Am I settling for too little productivity from my management team thus creating a negative profit impact? 
7. If you've answered yes to any of these questions, Organizational Management Analysis can help.

Guidelines For Using 360º Feedback Appraisal

Use 360º feedback appraisal for performance but not where the outcome results in a review of pay or bonus:
1. Identifying the skills, competencies, behaviors and practices needed to successfully achieve goals, outcomes and results.
2. Measure proficiencies in skills, competencies, behaviors and practices.
3. Assess where improvement is needed to achieve desired results
4. Create targeted development plans that increase capabilities and performance
5. Assess what environment will bring out the best results from individuals and teams

Performance Appraisal Where The Outcome Does Influence Remuneration Should Be Used To:

1. Set clear, specific goals
2. Establish measurements to determine outcomes and results
3. Evaluate the degree to which outcomes and results were achieved
4. Determine, based on performance what increase or bonus is due

Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal is the systematic evaluation of the performance of employees and to understand the abilities of a person for further growth and development. Performance appraisal is generally done in systematic ways which are as follows:
1. The supervisors measure the pay of employees and compare it with targets and plans.
2. The supervisor analyses the factors behind work performances of employees.
3. The employers are in position to guide the employees for a better performance.

Objectives of Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal can be done with following objectives in mind:
1. To maintain records in order to determine compensation packages, wage structure, salaries raises, etc.
2. To identify the strengths and weaknesses of employees to place right men on right job.
3. To maintain and assess the potential present in a person for further growth and development.
4. To provide a feedback to employees regarding their performance and related status.
5. To provide a feedback to employees regarding their performance and related status.
6. It serves as a basis for influencing working habits of the employees.
7. To review and retain the promotional and other training programmes.

Advantages of Performance Appraisal
It is said that performance appraisal is an investment for the company which can be justified by following advantages:

1. Promotion: Performance Appraisal helps the supervisors to chalk out the promotion programmes for efficient employees. In this regards, inefficient workers can be dismissed or demoted in case.

2. Compensation: Performance Appraisal helps in chalking out compensation packages for employees. Merit rating is possible through performance appraisal. Performance Appraisal tries to give worth to a performance. Compensation packages which includes bonus, high salary rates, extra benefits, allowances and pre-requisites are dependent on performance appraisal. The criteria should be merit rather than seniority.

3. Employees Development: The systematic procedure of performance appraisal helps the supervisors to frame training policies and programmes. It helps to analyse strengths and weaknesses of employees so that new jobs can be designed for efficient employees. It also helps in framing future development programmes.

4. Selection Validation: Performance Appraisal helps the supervisors to understand the validity and importance of the selection procedure. The supervisors come to know the validity and thereby the strengths and weaknesses of selection procedure. Future changes in selection methods can be made in this regard.

5. Communication: For an organization, effective communication between employees and employers is very important. Through performance appraisal, communication can be sought for in the following ways:
a. Through performance appraisal, the employers can understand and accept skills of subordinates.
b. The subordinates can also understand and create a trust and confidence in superiors.
c. It also helps in maintaining cordial and congenial labour management relationship.
d. It develops the spirit of work and boosts the morale of employees.
All the above factors ensure effective communication.

6. Motivation: Performance appraisal serves as a motivation tool. Through evaluating performance of employees, a person’s efficiency can be determined if the targets are achieved. This very well motivates a person for better job and helps him to improve his performance in the future.

Analysis on Training & Development Program at Kolej Komuniti Arau, Perlis- assignment HRD

Analysis on Training & Development Program at Kolej Komuniti Arau, Perlis

At the organizational level, a successful Human Resources Development program prepares the individual to undertake a higher level of work, "organized learning over a given period of time, to provide the possibility of performance change" (Nadler 1984). In these settings, Human Resources Development is the framework that focuses on the organization's competencies at the first stage, training, and then developing the employee, through education, to satisfy the organization's long-term needs and the individual's career goals and employee value to their present and future employers.

Human Resources Development can be defined simply as developing the most important section of any business, its human resource, by attaining or upgrading employee skills and attitudes at all levels to maximize enterprise effectiveness. The people within an organization are its human resource. Human Resources Development from a business perspective is not entirely focused on the individual's growth and development; "development occurs to enhance the organization's value, not solely for individual improvement. Individual education and development is a tool and a means to an end, not the end goal itself" (Elwood F. Holton II, James W. Trott Jr).The broader concept of national and more strategic attention to the development of human resources is beginning to emerge as newly independent countries face strong competition for their skilled professionals and the accompanying brain-drain they experience.

McLean and McLean (2001) have offered the following global definition of HRD after reviewing various definitions across the world: “Human Resource Development is any process or activity that, either initially or over the longer-term, has the potential to develop adults’ work based knowledge, expertise, productivity, and satisfaction, whether for personal or group/team gain, or for the benefit of an organization, community, nation, or, ultimately the whole humanity” (p1067).

It is not helpful given this perspective to think of HRD as subset of HRM, either in the structural or functional terms. As the strategic significance of organizational and individual learning as a source of competitive and cooperative advantage gains recognition, a strategic need arises for appropriately positioned "learning architects" with the distinctive competencies and consultancy skills to orchestrate learning initiatives on behalf of their clients. They need to be seen as partners in the formulation of strategy as well as developers of "quality" people to deliver strategy". ( Walton, 2001 p. 1082).

Arau Perlis Community College was established on June 12, 2001 to conduct two courses Full-time Architectural Draughtsman Certificate and Certificate in Electrical Technology (Installation and Services). At the beginning, Arau Perlis Community College stays in Arau Perlis Technical High School while waiting for the permanent campus in the Ruff Bone, Arau. A total of 17 staff (up session in December 2001) was placed in Arau Perlis Community College to facilitate the management, teaching and learning.

Arau Perlis Community College moved to the Permanent Campus in November 2005 in Ruff Bone, Arau Perlis by running three full-time course of the Computer Systems and Support Certificate, Certificate of Fashion and Apparel, Certificate of Food Processing and Quality Control and overall Arau Perlis Community College offers five full-time courses for all levels of society, particularly the states of Perlis and all Malaysians in general. Nowadays, the number of staff was increased to 102 where 82 staff was in academic department while 20 staff was in management. In July 2007, Arau Perlis Community College will offer a diploma course in Electrical Technology (Installation and Services for community college students graduate Certificate in Electrical Technology (Installation and Services).
Objective: 1. Provide education and training that is dynamic and quality.
 2. Organize and create an alternative route for post-secondary education.  
 3. Organize and provide lifelong learning in the development of knowledgeable  
        4. Provide training to upgrade skills and retrain the local workforce needs.  

Vision: 1. To be the excellent institutions offering education and training that is dynamic and quality to contribute to community and country. 2. To be institution of excellence Utara offers quality and dynamic educational training as a contribution to the growth of the local community and nation.

Mission: 1. Potential development opportunities and achieve excellence secondary school leavers and the local community through education and training. 2. To provide secondary school leavers and the local community the opportunity to develop their potential and achieve excellence through education and training.

Arau Perlis Community College has given and offered many training program to their staff in order to increase their knowledge and skills. The staffs are able to choose the training that they need by voice up or request to department head or human resources unit. The training given and offered is as below:-

3.1 Training in Course of Food Processing and Quality Control
(It’s included production of cocoa beans and chocolate (Malaysian Cocoa Board), pasta production, pastry products, ready to eat (MARDI), fish processing, kebab meat production, poultry production, the production of soy sauce, cake decoration techniques, snack products processing, HACCP – Level 2 and GMP – Level 1,2,3).

 3.2 Training in Electrical Technical Courses
            (It’s included wiring conduit and single and three phase mains, ducting installation,
            control of single phase motors and three phase, magnetic control, PLC for motor  
control, fashion and clothing courses, embroidery machine, sewing machine repair, and adobe for designing

3.3 Training in Architectural Draftsman Course
(It’s included 3D computer-aided drawing course using Sketch Up, Adobe Photoshop for architectural presentation drawings,  working drawings of two-storey residential, modeling and building information modeling using revit autocat).

3.4 Training in Computer Courses and Support
(It’s included MS EXCEL 2007 (Intermediate and Advance), CCNA – Comptia A+ (Maintenance), CCNA – Comptia N+ (Networking), Installation and manage operating system (Networking Environment) and Database development (MS Access 2007) – Intermediate).

3.5 Training in General Courses
(It’s included self-development courses and accountability, strengthening course teamwork, protocols and ethics course table, better spoken English course, English courses for counter service, health and fitness courses, building and personal safety courses (the state security department Perlis), work ethics and motivation courses, leadership psychology course (program leaders and heads of units), 5S course, research methodology and data analysis using SPSS).

We are collecting the data from the staff through the questionnaire that has been passing to 30 staff who works at the Arau Perlis Community College. From the analysis that we have done, most of the training is assessed at Arau Perlis Community College by Department Head, Human Resources Unit and outside consultant. The training are exist more than 4 times per year. The college offers training and development program include leadership development courses, Seminar / workshop, tuition reimbursement for college credit courses, adult education / high school community extension courses, certification programs, formal apprenticeship program, high school equivalency and correspondence courses where the most popular training is in leadership development courses.

Most of the staffs who are working at this college have a succession planning. The staffs are conduct and participate in training that has been subsidized by the government. They are permitted time-off work to attend the training with the training director, conducted by supervisor and human resources department and conducted by outside professional.

The minimum hour per year in which staffs must participate in training is over 40 hours. The format of offering that the staff interested in is workshops, classes and briefings. The length of offerings that the staffs interested in is 6 hours (full day) and the time offerings that the staffs interested in is the morning (A.M).

The best days for offering the training is Monday and Friday while the topic that the staffs interested in is leadership development, performance management, workplace communication, problem solving, workplace safety management, reducing stress in the workplace and sexual harassment. The overall staffs planning progress is right on target and successful.

            5.1 ASSESMENT
The college do the assessment which involves collecting information and providing feedback to staff about their behaviour, communication style, values and skills. Assessment is most frequently used to identify staff with managerial potential and to measure current staff strength and weakness. Assessment in Arau Perlis Community College is also use to identify the staff with the potential to move into higher level executive position and it being use with work teams to identify individual team members strength and weaknesses as well as the decision processes or communication style that inhibit the teams productivity. The assessment that has been done is never ending through a year. The weaknesses of the staff will be reducing by the college by sending the staff attends training while the strength of the staff will be use in order to develop a career path in the future.

In the Arau Perlis Community College, the human resource unit apply performance appraisal in order to know the degree of performance for each staff when doing their task. Performance appraisal emphasizes the assessment of the staff strength and weakness but it does not include strategic business consideration. Performance appraisal systems usually do not include extensive and ongoing feedback that the staff can use to improve their performance in the future. Performance appraisal is a once a year event that being held at Arau Perlis Community College that is often driven by the human resources unit.

Every organization have their own strength that can give opportunities for the company to be success in the future and in the same time give opportunities to the staff who work at the company to be more skilful, become a professional and perform higher degree of performance in doing their work task. There are three strengths that Arau Perlis Community College has which is financial support by the government, variety of trainers and cost benefit.

Most of the training program that has been offered at Arau Perlis Community College is subsidized by the Malaysian government where the participator doesn’t have to pay for a fee for the training they involve in. All the training those given to them are free of charge. At the same time they can leave their work for a few days with a great reason and can claim for millage if the training is being held outside their college.

            6.2 VARIETY OF TRAINERS
The speakers or the trainer that has been hired to conduct the training are comes from variety organization. Most of them are from the professional areas which work in government sector such as from UUM, SIRIM, UPM, UM and a few comes from outside consultant.

            6.3 COST BENEFIT
The employees will gain more knowledge and skill where they can use what they have learn to be practice in their work where it can help them in term of promotion and at the same time it will increase their performance, position and salary. They don’t have to pay even single cents for a fee and they can grab the opportunities in order to increase their level.

Even though, the organization have their strength, that doesn’t means they don’t have a weaknesses even they are well establish. There are three weaknesses at Arau Perlis Community College which is training is compulsory to the staff, time consuming and limited place.

Some of the training is compulsory to all staff. They can’t skip any training program that has been set up by the college due to the participation of the government. They must follow the training even though they don’t interested to participate in that training. Sometimes the topic or type of the training do not suite with their need and wants. So, they will be a passive person at the whole training.

            7.2 TIME CONSUMING
Most of the training that has been given to the staff are time consuming. It involve a long time. The training assess from minimum 3 days up to 2 weeks. The staff are force to attend the training while at the same time the staff must leave their commitment toward their family especially for those who are married.

            7.3 LIMITED PLACE
The training that has been given to staff is being held at the auditorium, classes and workshop where the space is very limited. The place was not comfortable for the staff to focus on the topic that been presented by the trainer. There will be a noise incurred when the sender (trainer) delivered the messages to the receivers (staff). This is because due to the large numbers of staff participate in the training while the place are small.

There are some recommendations to overcome the weaknesses that occur at Arau Perlis Community College which is adapting new environment, variety of training program and rewards.

The first recommendations for the Arau Perlis Community College are the trainers must change the environment such as doing the training outside the organization. The places that have been chosen must not too far from the college or organization. It will lead the staffs will not worry about their family at home. Apart of doing the training at classes, auditorium, and workshop, the organization can organize or adapt new environment. As an example, doing the training at National Team Building Camp in order to build a corporation among a team members in a team.

The second recommendations for the Arau Perlis Community College is to set up a mentoring and networking programme to facilitate career development. It also is part of the learning process beside the staff held their training outside the organization. Other than that, the organization also must set up development programmes covering career planning, workshops, partnering with a senior level mentor, and coaching sessions. It also includes 360 degree feedback, action learning sets, confidence building, presentation and interview skills and creative thinking in programmes. Besides that, this college also can adapt a learning skill such as use leadership and senior manager programmes as a feeder to a succession planning programme. After the staff completing their courses, the organization also must set up regular action learning sets for the staff to embed their learning. The variety of training program will help more in order to enhance the learning and training of the staff that provide by the organization

The third recommendation for the Arau Perlis Community College is by offering some rewards to their staffs in order to increase the number of the participation. As an example, the staff will get rewards when attend for training such as gain a certificate, can claim for mileage, meals, and residential. The staff also get allowances when their attend the training. This will lead the staff be more enthusiasm to attend the training while at the same time they can enhance their skills and knowledge.

As a conclusion, we think that the Arau Perlis Community College should variety the training program to attract the staff to participate in the training without feeling to be forced by the top management. This will lead to increase the productivity and employee performance. It also can enhance their knowledge, skills and ability to be more productive and tend to be an expertise worker.


            9.1 INTERVIEW
            Interviewee Name      : Nurazlen Binti Ahmad @ Mazlan
            Position                       : Lecturer of Arau Perlis Community College
            Grade                          : DH 41
            Qualification                : Bachelor in Accountancy (UUM)
                                                 Master in Education Technical & Vocational (UTHM)
            Organization                : Arau Pelis Community College
            Contact No.                 : 019-2788004

            9.2 REFERENCES
            Noe.A.R.(2010).Employee Training and Developmet.Singapore,McGraw-Hill/Irwin.           Sekaran,U.& Bougie,R.(2010).Research Method for Business.Great Britain,A John         
            Wiley and Sons,Ltd,Publication.